Ballinteer Youth Choir is a new choir that promotes the development of  choral music alongside music education. Based in the heart of Ballinteer, BYC is for young singers in 4th, 5th and 6th class. Boys and girls learn musical literacy as well as important life skills. We are committed to educating young singers in musicianship in tandem with developing a healthy approach to using the voice. Our aim is to enable these young singers to carry their new skills through life by being literate in reading music to a high standard. The music we sing is wide-ranging and varied, from folk to classical and popular music. The transferable skills are wide-ranging and valuable.      


                                                     Musical Director

                                                                                                                                                                      Orla Barry is a graduate of University College Dublin and the College Conservatory of Music,          University of  Cincinnati , Ohio, USA. She has worked extensively as a singer, conductor and                       teacher both here in Ireland and in the United States. Orla is the founder and director of the award-winning chamber choir Candando. She directed Dublin's famous Palestrina Choir at the Pro-Cathedral for six years and has served as guest conductor for Chamber Choir Ireland (formerly the National Chamber Choir) on several occasions. Orla is very active in the field of liturgical music and has been Guest Director of the annual Church Music Summer School of the Irish Church Music Association many times. She has adjudicated at national choral competitions and has taught conducting technique and practice in NUI , Maynooth. She is Head of Music at St. Raphaela's Secondary School, Kilmacud, where she developed the Music Department from scratch into the thriving department it is today. She is the founder and conductor of the esteemed School Choir, which performs regularly, both in school and at community events. The Choir has competed successfully on many occasions at all the major choral festivals in Ireland, and also several times at the Young Prague Festival in the Czech Republic. She has been Musical Director for many School Musicals, and also directs the School Orchestra.                                    

                JOIN THE CHOIR!

